Tuesday 3 June 2008


...there is so much to say about it...and so little time...after all...each time you end up in Dubai you end up discovering a "new face" of the city!

I was there for one week to visit friends and have fun...which I did!!! Another story, other chapters opening and closing...a re-discovering "journey".

Nevertheless, aim number one was to have fun...how to describe the amount of fun I had there...? Could mention so many things...but maybe I can let you discover it through the photos of this post...enjoy it...more photos are coming...so hold on!

1 comment:

  1. ola
    ainda bem que estas de volta :)))))))))
    eu tambem tnh andado com poukinho tempo e so agora estou a passar por ca :)
    tantas viagens e bolinhos... aih tambem quero :) estou aqui com uma constipaçao chata e o sol nao ha meio de vir... nao ha verao. ja estou farta de chuva.
