Monday 10 December 2007

Human Rights Day

President and Chair of the Commission on Human Rights, Eleanor Roosevelt, looking at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Spanish. Credit: UN Photo.

Human Rights Day 2007 marks the start of a year-long commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This theme for 2008, “Dignity and justice for all of us,” reinforces the vision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as a commitment to universal dignity and justice. It is not a luxury or a wish-list. The UDHR and its core values, inherent human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, fairness and universality, apply to everyone, everywhere and always. The Declaration is universal, enduring and vibrant, and it concerns us all.

Since its adoption in 1948, the Declaration has been and continues to be a source of inspiration for national and international efforts to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

An essential element in the protection of human rights is a widespread knowledge and understanding among people of what their rights are and how they can be defended. The Declaration is now available in over 360 languages and is the most translated document in the world – a testament to its universal nature and reach.

Sixty years on, we pay tribute to the extraordinary vision of the Declaration’s original drafters and to the many human rights defenders around the world who have struggled to make their vision a reality.

The Declaration belongs to each and every one of us – read it, learn it, promote it and claim it as your own.

Source: United Nations web site


  1. A declaração dos direitos humanos foi , na minha opinião, a coisa mais importante do dito Pós-modernismo. É sinal nossa maturidade enquanto sociedade.
    Bem lembrado Angela :)

  2. Eu acho triste é haver uma declaração tal que promova a qualidade de ser humano a tanta gente e ao mesmo tempo...tanta gente existe sem ter qualidade de ser humano!

    Mas sic transit gloria mundi....


  3. It's a good purpose. I hope United Nation will be able to operate according to this declaration.
    Check my Blog, I use to put a decription of the links, if you don't like your, just write me.

  4. ola :) passa la no meu cestinho.
    surpresa :)

  5. como deixei passar este dia!:(
    (por isso,fui ja chamado à atenção num comments)LOL

    Comungo tb da opinião do Hydra.

  6. Hydra e Celeste,
    Estou de acordo com os dois. A Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem sõ muito importantes mas infelizmente é esquecida todos os dias!

  7. Thank you for giving this
    declaration info about human
