Sunday 2 November 2008


  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 spoons butter
  • 1/4 cup of milk
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Canned sliced apples

I could not find the canned sliced apples in Switzerland. The ones you see in the picture were brought by a friend from South Africa. I suppose you can prepare the apples in advance, cut them into slices, cook them in a sugar syrup and let them cool before using them.

Cream Sauce:

  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  1. Pre-heat oven at 180 °C
  2. Add the flower with the baking powder, the butter, the pinch of salt, the milk, the sugar and the egg yolks.
  3. Mix all these ingredients together.
  4. Whisk the white of the eggs until they are firm.
  5. Mix the white of the eggs with the other preparation.
  6. Pour in a tart pan (I chose a round one, but you can use a square one).
  7. Put the apple slices on top of preparation.
  8. Bake for about 60 - 90 minutes (check cooking with with a toothpick after 60 minutes to see if cooked. The toothpick must come out clean if the tart is cooked).
  9. When the tart is nearly ready, mix cream with sugar in a pan.
  10. Cook cream and sugar for 10 minutes.
  11. Pour cream sauce over still hot tart that you have just taken out of the oven.
  12. Let it cool. (Serve it still warm it is even better!!!)


  1. This is very interesting recipe, I never had anything like this before, I never even seen canned apple slice in my life. Sounds really delicious, and I am wiling to try this one day. Where is this apple tart originally from? Is it South African, or Portuguese?

  2. nhami :) melhor so se me trouxesses aqui pra eu dar uma trinca. tens de por aqui uma receita de broinhas doces :) aquelas que so se fazem aqui em novembro por altura dos santos.

  3. AARGH. Ho letto su facebook che lavori per l'OMS. Spero non ti abbiano fatto il lavaggio del cervello.

  4. Hi Elra,
    Sorry I haven't replied to your previous post, I was a bit "lost" between the mountain of work. Thanks for keeping your visits to my blog.

    The recipe was brought from a friend of mine from South Africa, I am not sure it is typically "South African" though. I had never seen canned sliced apples either, I couldn't find them here in Switzerland, so my friend brought the can all the way from South Africa!

    The Apple Tart, was a real huge success in the should try it (and have a slice when still warm) will die for more...believe me!!!

  5. Mik@...vou dar uma volta ao meu velho caderno de receitas que trouxe de Portugal porque acho que tenho uma receita de broa doce que fazia com abóbora, passas, nozes etc...huuumm...deste-me uma boa idea!


  6. LOL...Arthur...Sembra che abbia commesso un peccato mortale!
