Thursday, 29 November 2007


Das duas uma...ou combinaram todos juntos para me ruinarem a semana, ou é eu sei lá que mistério que me anda a transformar numa fera.

Ora ia eu tõ descançadinha no meu caminho para o trabalho quando passo ao lado de uma construção e ouço (com grande espanto)..."olha a gaja boa"!...outro de responder "eh russa, qu'és tan *@# boa"!

Ora, a moça singela e inocente que eu sou (tá bem, não acreditam? perguntem a quem me conhece, nah!), de se virar e murmurar uma pequena resposta incompreensivel até para deles de recomeçar "olha lá, qu'és boa, anda cá"...o outro de dizer "e se a gaja é portuguesa"..."t'as parvo, é loira...já viste portuguesas loiras?" (pouca sorte tens tu calhaste logo com uma portuguesa!!!)

Esta moçinha desatar a toda a dignidade e elegância que me caracterizam (mas que sim sou moça fina!)..."meu excelenterrimo cavaleiro (foi mais ou menos isto...bem, mais menos do que mais mais...cá me entendo) ...meu parvalhão...(e aqui poupo os ouvidos mais sensíveis) @#*...@#*...@#*...da parte das verdadeiras loiras verdadeiramente portuguesas! (NAH!!!)

Don't mess with a blonde...more so if she is portuguese!!!

Age! Fac ut gaudeam!

Há dias em que me sinto assim...mas ultimamente tem sido mais assim do que outra coisa!!!

Monday, 26 November 2007

Friends of World Food Programme (WFP)

After having published my post on the Free Rice web game, I was contacted by the Communications Associate from "Friends of the World Food Programme".

It was very interesting to know that there is an organization based in Washington D.C. that is devoted to helping the WFP in its work to releave the world from hunger. They partner with the World Food Programme to raise funds, mobilize volunteers, and draw attention to global hunger and poverty. Once a month, they send out an electronic newsletter, Food for Thought, which highlights WFP’s current humanitarian relief activities, relevant news items, events from other humanitarian relief organizations, and pieces written by people who are in the field.

They are reaching out to bloggers and asking them to post something on their blogs about their newsletter and encourage people to sign up for it. They also have some banners to put on your website, blog...these are very simple things you can do to help. So, don't hesitate to take a look into their website and to help in any way you wish and can!

You can also visit the World Food Programme website. Don't hesitate in helping!

Alive With Technology!!!

When it comes to technology, I am a big fan...especially coupled with a lot of imagination. But how about comparing the above technology, with the one of the video below?

Now dare telling me that you don't prefer "breakfast-bacon-eggs" technology???

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Dream Team...Fondue Night!

Dedicated to the Dream Team (Angela, Lisa, Ana, Patricia, Christine, Vanessa, Maria, Sweenitha...Gaynor and Laura who could not join us). A team that goes wild when fighting for the "religieuse"...that crusty layer of cheese that remains at the bottom of the pot after the fondue has been literally "devoured"!!!

Web game provides free rice. . .

The World Food Programme (WFP) says hunger is the world's number one emergency. An internet word game has generated enough rice to feed 50,000 people for one day, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has said.

The game, FreeRice, tests the vocabulary of participants. For each click on a correct answer, the website donates money to buy 10 grains of rice. Companies advertising on the website provide the money to the WFP to buy and distribute the rice. FreeRice went online in early October and has now raised 1bn grains of rice. That is enough rice to feed 50,000 people for one day, the WFP said on Friday.

"Viral marketing"

The head of the WFP, Josette Sheeran, said: "FreeRice really hits home how the web can be harnessed to raise awareness and funds for he world's number one emergency." She said word of the game has spread with the help of internet bloggers and websites like Facebook and YouTube. "The site is a viral marketing success story."

P.S. The idea behind the game made me want to know more, and after some personal research, I found that it takes about 3,500 grains of rice to feed one person. That is the reason why it is interesting to look at the "TOTALS" page on FreeRice.

Descanço...qual descanço????

Isto de sair todos os dias até as tantas e de ir trabalhar cedo na manhã seguinte dà nisto!!!!

Roque Santeiro...dedicado ao Hydra!

Com um obrigado por BOAS recordações!

Monday, 19 November 2007

La verità è che...non gli piaci abbastanza

Quando ho finito di leggere il libro "Les Hommes Peuvent Attendre - L'art de vivre seule" di Marjorie Hillis, ho trovato questo in italiano in una libreria ed che é stato scritto da due sceneggiatori della serie televisiva "Sex and the City".

"La Verità È Che Non Gli Piaci Abbastanza" é un manuale per smascherare le scuse che gli uomini raccontano e le donne si bevono. In questa guida, si insegna a riconoscere le giustificazioni vere da quelle false: un botta e risposta fra donne in crisi e l'esperto, consigli, rivelazioni ("Gli uomini sanno come funziona un telefono"), divieti ("Non stare altri dieci minuti con lui se noti uno dei seguenti comportamenti..."), aneddoti personali, esercizi pratici, per non perdere altro tempo e smettere di farsi illusioni.

Se un uomo desidera una donna, probabilmente le permetterà di capirlo; se così non fosse, si nasconde dietro mille scuse. E se non ci pensa lui a giustificarsi, ci pensano le donne, arrovellandosi, ossessionando le amiche, sprecando lacrime e sonno: "Forse non vuole rovinare la nostra amicizia", "Non è colpa sua, ma della sua famiglia", "È troppo preso dal lavoro", "Ha paura di soffrire ancora".

Questo libro rende conto di quante giustificazioni ingiustificate siamo in grado di sfornare! É davvero istruttivo per evitare viaggi inutili! Posso anche garantirvi molte risate! Fa ridere e si legge in maniera piacevole! Leggetelo!!!!

Ratatouille...façon "Angela"

Pour toutes celles qui au bureau ont demandé la recette de la Ratatouille façon "Angela"!


- 1 poivron vert
- 1 poivron rouge
- 2 courgettes (la quantité dépend de la taille)
- 1 aubergine (facultatif)
- 1 boite tomates concassées
- 1 verre vin blanc
- 2 verres d'eau
- ½ citron
- 1 feuille de laurier
- 1 oignon
- 2 gousses d'ail (dégermées)
- Huile d'olive, Sel, Poivre

1. Émincez l'oignon et les gousses d'ail et faites revenir dans une cocotte avec la feuille de laurier et de l'huile d'olive jusqu'à ce que l'oignon soit transparent (attention à ne pas laisser bruler l'ail sinon la préparation deviendrait amère et immangeable).

2. Pendant ce temps couper les poivrons, les courgettes (et aubergine) en dés. En ce qui concerne les courgettes, je préfère laisser la peau, par contre l'aubergine doit être pelée! Séparez poivrons et courgettes.

3. Une fois que l'oignon soit devenu transparent ajouter les poivrons coupés en dés. Laissez "suer".

4. Après 5 minutes, ajouter les tomates concassées. Laissez cuire 10 minutes en rajoutant l'eau, le vin et le jus de la moitié de citron.

5. Une fois que les poivrons seront à moitié cuisson (après 10 minutes), ajoutez les courgettes (et aubergines). Assaisonnez de sel et poivre.

6. Une petite quantité égale d'eau et de vin blanc peut être rajoutée si l'on désire que la ratatouille ait un peu plus de jus.

7. Laissez mijoter encore 10 minutes, rectifié l'assaisonnement si nécessaire.

8. Servir avec du riz blanc. Délicieux avec de la viande ou du poisson grillé.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

How Not To Day Dream...

...when such a scenery is just outside your office window! Often it is difficult to be fully concentrated in what one is doing having this display of beauty from mother nature jsut in front of your "noze"....teasing you!

Friday, 16 November 2007

O Esférico Rolando Sobre a Erva

Olà Cambada!
Belas recordaçõ portista que sempre fez rir uma benfiquista!
"Aqui vai à tua" Herman!!!

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Fatal Exception!

Quantas vezes vos aconteceu de serem vítimas de panico por causa de uma mensagem “erro do sistema operativo”? Muitas vezes de certeza. Graças a este site web, podem fazer a vossa propria mensagem de erro!

No entanto, uma vez criada a mensagem, não utilizem o link porque não funcionarà, apenas uma imagem *.bmp serà criada e que necessita ser salvaguardada no vosso PC antes de ser utilizada.

A mensagem pode ser personalizada: podem decidir a aparência da janela (tipo Windows 95/98 ou Windows XP), podem introduzir o text que quiserem assim como o texto para os botões.

Tentem…aposto que se divertirão!

Sunday, 11 November 2007

La Neve É Arrivata...!!!

La neve è soffice e vellutata
e con le sue magie che sfiorano i pensieri
sembra una fata.
Cade per tutto il mondo
e poi si ferma
a fare un grande girotondo.
Per tutto il paesaggio bufa
e noi ci riscaldiamo davanti alla stufa.

A Vision of Students Today

The problems I had as a university student in Portugal and then in Switzerland, were not quite the same as technology and especially internet were still but a dream...However, most of the problems back then are still the same problems today. Students, the first victims of never ending dying systems?

Friday, 9 November 2007

Día Mundial da Usabilidade!

Dando uma voltinha no Blog do meu amigo (Primo) FJ, deparei com um post que me despertou a curiosidade. Lendo do que se trata, pensei que vinha mesmo a calhar, eu que estive umas horitas a tentar entender o manual de um aparelho que me parecia dos mais simples. Mas hoje em día é preciso ser um cientista para entender como funciona um simples telefone!!!

Para resumir, a Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Usabilidade lança no dia mundial da usabilidade (mais um dia mundial para recordar!!!) o site de potesto "Diffícil de Usar"!

O seu objectivo é recolher testemunhos de objectos/serviços/sites que nos colocam dificuldades no dia a dia. O site irá manter-se activo até ao final de Novembro, altura em que serão compilados todos os testemunhos e enviados às entidades responsáveis pelos objectos do protesto.

Quanto mais protestos forem recolhidos mais força terão junto das empresas responsáveis. Ajude a passar a palavra, divulgando o site no seu blog ou site pessoal/empresarial.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Manger Du Chocolat Pour Aider La Nature!!!

Les accros au chocolat (comme moi) pourront dé­sormais se laisser tenter sans éprou­ver le moindre sentiment de culpa­bilité: un nouveau procédé permet de transformer les restes de fabrica­tion du chocolat en biocarburant. Ce nouveau carburant est fabriqué dans le nord de l’Angleterre.

C'est peut être la façon la plus facile et la plus agréable de contribuer au développement durable!

En avant toutes...mangeons du chocolat!!!!

Make My Logo Bigger!!!!

Strolling along the web, I found something in another Blog which is very interesting and funny. Believe me If you're a website designer or a graphic designer and you've worked with clients, you will surely die laughing when you watch the commercial for Make My Logo Bigger Cream, a special new product available to clients of designers.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Helpdesk Efficacy...!

Sorry to the other "computer" team members...couldn't resist the joke!

Sunday, 4 November 2007

How To Do Nothing At Work And Still Get Paid...?

Would be fun to find out if anyone ever got away with it...

Minha Escrivaninha...Escritório e Casa...

Hà dias em que a escrivaninha, seja no escritório o em casa, é o espelho de como me sinto! Sem mais comentários...preciso de um bom café para acordar esta manhã...!

How To Make Greek Salad (Horiatiki Salata)!

For all those that asked at the office. This is how the real recipe should be. Remember, NO LETTUCE!!!

Saturday, 3 November 2007

My Own Two Cents On Madeleine...Part V!

In "Part IV", I mentioned about British press shooting their own foot...seems like it is what happened!

The results of the biological evidence found in the apartment and in the car used by the McCann have now arrived in Portugal. The British press states that the results show with no doubt that Madeleine was carried in the trunk of the car the McCann were using. Her DNA is spread all over the car which contradicts the theory of DNA transfer from clothing. Need be to remind that the car was rented 22 days after Madeleine's disappearance?

Sources contacted by Portuguese newspapers, are careful in their statements regarding the results of the DNA testing and sampling. However, they do not exclude that former theories are now confirmed but they assure that work still needs to be done on it for doubtless certainty. The contacted sources, reinstate that the priority is to find the child's body, as only when Maddie is found, it will be possible to understand the mechanism that led to her death and to eventually formally accuse her parents of homicide.

One should remember that the first results given to the Portuguese authorities already seemed to agree with the theory that Maddie was dead. That is why her parents were considered "arguidos" last September.

However, back then, the police did not have much to work with to have absolute belief in their guilt. Although Maddie's parents had been confronted with evidence available and with the homicide theory, they stated over and over again that the DNA was in the car because of DNA transfer since Maddie's clothes were carried in the trunk of the car.

The results now available for the Portuguese police show that such could not be possible. Some British press stated that the evidence formally guarantees that the evidence available points to a body being carried in the car and not a live person (the McCann had stated that the DNA could come from their twin children. Needless to point out that although we have similar DNA within family, we have our own our own finger prints!).

So shooting their own foot? Yes, so much that the British press is now reverting the tide and accusing the McCann. The same press that protected, "shielded" the McCann and had fun with their smear campaign of Portugal and its police. How easy now...

If the above is thing is for sure...the McCann will have damaged forever the image of those who really suffer the loss of a child in dramatic circumstances and need as much help as possible. How to make any campaign credible from now on? We now take the risk that each time a child will disappear, a public outcry will be overlooked, will be insignificant. Won't we think each time it will happen "what if it is another McCann case"?